Get Involved

Our mission is to prepare the young people of Birmingham for a successful future. Critical to this mission is the support of employers, no matter the size or sector.  

Research over the last 10 years by the charity ‘Education and Employers’ has found:

  • Employer engagement reduces the likelihood of becoming NEET (not in education, employment, or training). Young people who do four or more activities during secondary school are less likely to be NEET during their 20s. This insight has driven the commitment that every young person should have a meaningful encounter with employers whilst in secondary school. (2013, 2017)
  • Employer engagement during school years increases the amount young adults earn once in full time employment. (2014, 2016, 2017)
  • Employer engagement has an impact on student motivation as the result of linking the curriculum to the world of work. (2018)
  • Career gender stereotyping exists, and it can be tackled from primary school onwards. (2018, 2019)


Get Involved 

So, how can you get involved?

  1. Become a Cornerstone Employer

Cornerstone Employers are experienced in engaging with education and give strategic support to Birmingham Careers Hub. With a complex, fast-changing labour market, the need for high quality workplace experiences and links to employers has never been greater – and Cornerstone Employers are ambassadors for making this become a reality.

  1. Become a volunteer Enterprise Adviser

As an Enterprise Adviser you will work directly with a school or college’s senior leadership team to develop their careers programme. Combine your passion for raising the aspirations of young people with your strategic skills to help put opportunities with local employers at the heart of a young person’s education.

Offer encounters/experiences of the workplace

Share your career journey and insights with young people in schools and colleges in your local community. Your unique industry knowledge and experience as someone who owns or works for an SME can make a difference to the options a young person considers for their careers. You could be the person who changes the life of a young person, just by showing them what is possible.

Want to find out more?

If you have an interest in any of the above and would like to find out more please get in touch.

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